Honoured to be groom's friend
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Paul’s been a great friend to me over the years and there are many things I admire about him. He is the most level-headed man I know and, along with his generosity and determination, there is one other thing that stands out, and that is his appreciation of quality. And today, Paul, you’ve really surpassed yourself. You have found a lady of true quality in Linda. It’s been an honour and a privilege to be your best man today and I hope that one day I’ll be asking you to return the same honour to me. Because lets face it, I've got even fewer friends than you.
Paul, it’s a real honour to have been chosen to be your best man today. I think it reflects the fact that we’ve had some unforgettable times together. You truly are a great person, a top act and a first-rate friend. I don’t think I know of anyone more generous – generous in giving help, in giving advice or in the bar. That last one may have to slow down a little now that you are married, but hopefully not until tomorrow.