Genuine accolades

Here is a selection of comments received from some of our customers.

  • "This site has really taken a lot of weight off my shoulders. I’ve been able to produce my best man speech within 45 mins of getting the username and password."
    Kevin Donegan, Adelaide, Australia
  • "I followed one of your speech templates which showed me precisely where to incorporate my personal anecdotes– and combining several of your jokes and one-liners I ended up with a speech that people are still talking about!"
    Callum Buckton, Hartland, UK
  • "Just thought I would drop you a line to say that my Best Man speech was very well received (one guest even went as far as saying it was the best speech he had ever heard). Your database of speech material and examples were invaluable."
    Nicholas Willdridge, Gloucester, UK
  • "I just thought I'd drop you a few words to thank you for your help last week in helping me to put together my best man speech. The website you've set up is really helpful and I found plenty of things in there that suited the sort of speech I wanted to make. The line, "Carl is my oldest friend and I’m convinced that without his guiding hand while we were growing up I would have been half the man I am today… and certainly twice as popular" ... went down a treat. Best £10 I've spent in a long time. Keep up the good work."
    Harvey Vincent, Shepperton, UK
  • "I gave a best man speech at my friends wedding and it was an absolute hit. Your templates and one-liners are great, there is something for everyone in any situation. Thank you very much."
    Chuck Raines, Portland, Oregon
  • "This is hands-down the best wedding speech website on the net."
    Randy Harrison, Nasthua, New Hampshire
  • "This is just a short message to say thank you for providing this great site. It helped me no end and my speech was a great success – mainly thanks to the wide ranging content supplied within this site. Once more, thank you, and I shall recommend this site to anybody having to make a wedding speech."
    Simon Bryden, Falkirk, UK
  • "I wanted to thank you guys for the extra confidence that I had when I took center stage as the Best Man this weekend. Your website is the perfect assistance for any upcoming Best Man! I used the classic line ‘A friend like Phil is certainly hard to find. This morning, for instance, we had to look in three pubs and a wine bar’ – and had the crowd in an uproar. The Templates helped immensely as a guide to composing the speech; leading to many smooth point transitions. I had so many compliments afterwards that I had to return the thanks. I'll be sure to pass your website on to others, many thanks again!"
    Ted Goodman, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
  • "I am most grateful for's help in providing some useful examples which I shall incorporate into my speech. I was desperate for help – this site came to my rescue."
    Robert Hunter, Enfield, UK
  • "Dear, I delivered my speech this weekend to over one hundred guests. Afterwards I received many congratulations for a witty/funny/sincere speech. One guest who said he'd been to weddings for 60 years said it was the best speech he'd heard and said marks out of ten...eleven. Another guest said he'd book me for his wedding he was that impressed."
    Lawrence Cleworth, Pontypridd, UK

See our best man speech joke database and best man speech examples for ideas on how to organise your wedding speech.