How you met the groom

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  1. I first met Paul in the student union bar at the University of Delaware. After chatting for a while it appeared we had quite a lot in common, although there were some obvious differences. For example, I would never wear a cravat or a blazer, refer to beer as ale and address the bartender as ‘mine host’.

  2. I met Paul when I first moved to Chicago. I was looking for someone to share a house with and contacted a small introductions agency. Basically, they gave you a short interview and matched you up with other house hunting people they thought you’d get along with… much like a dating agency! Now, I specifically requested to be matched up with a petite bubbly blonde, which is how I ended up with Paul. Next time, I will definitely pay more attention to specifying gender. But to my horror, shortly after moving into the house together, Paul told me that he’d requested to be matched up with a ‘fat freak’.

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